THE ROMANCE of seafaring stirs a longing for adventure in salty dogs and land lovers alike. The tangles of ropes and masts with sails fully billowed, gliding along the churning waves makes the heart pump faster and the mind dreamy of that unfettered lifestyle. Christopher Blossom’s depictions of these grand and historic vessels carry on a long lineage of maritime artists with the likes of John Stobart, Fritz Henry Lane and William Formby Halsall to name a few. Each brushstroke of these artists captured the diversity of sea life; be it the thrill of embarking upon unimaginable adventures of the high seas or the calm respite of a ship at port, patiently awaiting Its next endeavor. Blossom brings together his unique skills to produce enticing images of these spirited sea vessels by first studying the blueprints of each historical craft for minute details which he applies to each boat defining distinctive character and life through his definitive strokes of oil on canvas. His talents are unparalleled, and his paintings sought after longingly. Blossom and his family have spent personal time on the high seas in a small liveaboard, when his children were quite young. Knowing the calm and tumultuous conditions that can turn on a dime put the heart and soul in his work. We are fortunate at Clagget/ Rey Gallery to offer a collection of his creations. Everyone needs a little saltiness in their life. PRICE AND AVAILABILITY UPON REQUEST 970-476-9350 or